
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

hey friends! 


i have been in costa rica since march 31. here the sun is always shining & there are lots of rainy nights. we basically live in the jungle with lots of greenery, lizards, sloths and occasional monkeys in the trees. the black beach is a 30 minute walk from the base. ministry has been with the whole squad which has been really cool. ministry has consisted of beach evangelism, manual labor on the base & youth group ministry. 


on april 3 my friends cole, graceyn, kayla and i went to the beach. the current was really high and it kept pulling us back deeper into the ocean. i started to feel like i was going to drown as i couldn’t touch the bottom and the tide kept coming over me. i was swallowing lots of salt water and trying to catch my breath. i panicked, yelled for help and cole came over and pushed me up and i still felt helpless so i eventually got on his back and finally he reached the bottom and was able to get us back.


kayla was able to gain strength and swim back to shore, and a random man helped graceyn. when i got back to the sand i wept and caught my breath. i was shocked at what had just happened. i felt so hopeless & helpless in that situation.


i wondered how i could be so afraid when Holy Spirit is inside of me. the whole rest of the day i couldn’t talk to anyone without crying. i questioned, “God, if you love me so much why would you allow me to be in a near death situation?” every time i went to the beach after that, all i could think about was feeling so helpless. 


but the Lord met me in my mess and my emotions. he reminded me that he was my hope. my anchor. when i felt like i was drowning he didn’t let me go. “we have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” hebrews? ?6:19?).


he also reminded me of peter when he walked on water. even though peter had Jesus in him, he was still afraid.


matthew 14:25-30 says, “shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. when the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “it’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. but Jesus immediately said to them: “take courage! it is i. don’t be afraid.” “Lord, if it’s you,” peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “come,” he said. then peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. but when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “lord, save me!” immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “you of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”


i felt so much like peter in this situation. i was afraid, but even then, Jesus reached out his hand and caught me. i am so thankful that i have the Spirit inside of me, and even when i am fearful, he is there reaching out his hand saying, “i am with you, daughter.” wow. that is so refreshing. 


on a different, i will be coming home early june and i would love your prayers as i soak up these last 2 months with my squad. pray that we would walk in obedience and spread the kingdom everywhere we walk. that we would plant many seeds in costa, and everyone that we come in contact with would see the light that we hold in Him. 


all my love,



3 responses to “out here in costa!”

  1. Wow! That sounded scary. So glad that everyone was okay and that you were able to remember that God is always with us and will never leave us.

  2. Wow Lydia, what a testimony! Thank you so much for sharing this…. and I am super thankful that you are here to tell it! May Abba continue to use this experience for His good! And may you continue to feel and experience His guidance and protection! Love you and praying for you!!

  3. Lydia, God is faithful and He is with you at all time. Colleen and I will continue to pray your relationship with the Father deepens. Costa Rica will bring about new experiences and new revelations of who your Heavenly Father is and who you are in Him. Know you are LOVED and covered in prayer girl! Thanks for sharing with us.